A WEST Cumbria man subjected his puppy to grotesque daily attacks 'in rage and anger' before burning her corpse in a metal garden bin.

Nathan Thompson, 29, mistreated the Collie puppy, Daisy, so badly that she died before he set a fierce fire inside a purpose designed metal bin or incinerator that was seen by shocked neighbours.

Carlisle Crown Court heard Thompson brought home the dog shortly after moving into a terraced Cleator Moor property last year.

“Throughout the late summer of 2022, his neighbours heard sounds through their party walls which showed that the defendant was abusing the puppy,” said prosecutor Andrew Evans.

“Thuds and crashes followed by the distressing noises of the animal crying in pain. This went on for night after night.”

Neighbours described their deep distress at hearing banging, shouting and hearing the dog cry in pain 'all the time'.

One woman would sit on her back doorstep crying because the dog was being beaten, with the hairs on her neck standing up in response to sounds of the sickening abuse.

Thompson was heard shouting 'bite me and I’ll kill you'. He was also seen to grab the puppy around its neck before dragging and pushing the head down into the grass, and also to hose it down while it was tied up.

The noises of beating became more frequent and 'most days' there would be a 'bang and a yelp'.

“It is the Crown’s case that the defendant, in rage and anger, repeatedly beat Daisy over the final few months of her life, and that the beatings she received, either with punches, kicks or the use of the metal cage door caused the puppy distress and injury,” said Mr Evans. 

“These beatings increased in frequency until, over the weekend on September 3 and 4, 2022, the defendant caused the animal injuries that were not survivable.” Daisy had died at an unknown time on September 5.

“Later that day the defendant placed her corpse into a large metal bin in his back garden. Using an unknown accelerant he set a fierce fire which destroyed the body to such an extent that the veterinary post-mortem was unable to determine the exact cause of her death when, two days later, neighbours found the remains of the body and alerted the police,” added the prosecutor.

Thompson, of Melbreak Avenue, Cleator Moor, admitted causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal.

His denial that he caused the dog’s death — he claimed it escaped and was run over — was dismissed by a judge who heard evidence in August, including distressing accounts from neighbours.

During today’s sentencing hearing, defence barrister Anthony Parkinson said Thompson stood by the account he had earlier given.

Recorder Julian Shaw imposed an immediate 27-month jail term.

“On August 31 I had to listen to some of the most harrowing evidence I have heard in a long time,” the judge told Thompson.

“Evidence from incredibly brave neighbours of yours who intervened to try and save and protect a helpless animal, Daisy, a dog and allegedly a pet who was being brutally treated by you and was ultimately killed by you.”

That evidence had been 'nauseating', concluded the judge, who described Thompson’s criminal conduct as 'cruelty' and 'sadistic' having used 'significant force'.

“What greater harm could there be to that animal than you killed it?” he wondered.

And of the brutal treatment meted out by Thompson, Recorder Shaw said to him: “You must have known, day after day after day what you were doing was grotesque.”

Thompson was banned from owning or keeping any animal for life.