Dr Neil Hudson MP visited Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw, Cumbria's Children's Hospice to express his appreciation for the work carried out by staff and volunteers.

Dr Hudson visited the adult in-patient unit as well as Jigsaw's children's ward. Both have highly skilled multi-disciplinary medical teams catering for complex health needs in a caring and supportive environment. 

Dr Neil Hudson MP said: "It is no exaggeration to say that I was truly humbled and inspired by the dedication and compassion displayed by the brilliant people of Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw, Cumbria's Children's Hospice.

"At times of incredible stress and hardship for families, it is comforting to know that there are such selfless and giving individuals able to offer specialist care not just for patients but all those whose lives are touched by the implications of grave illness.

Both hospices are highly reliant upon the generosity of the Cumbrian public to continue providing world-class care and Dr Hudson encouraged anyone who feels able, to help support EDH and Jigsaw's great work. 

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Julie Clayton, Chief Executive of Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw Cumbria's Children’s Hospice said: “We are grateful that Neil came to see for himself the impact we have for the people we care for and their families, and for the open conversation about the challenges we face.

“We rely on our community for the vast majority of our funding while we provide a really vital medical and nursing service for people when they are at their most vulnerable, and like everyone else we have seen our energy bills shoot up."