A WEST Cumbrian councillor will quiz the leader of Cumberland Council on a range of subjects next week.

Councillor Stephen Stoddart (Moss Bay and Moorclose, Independent Group) submitted a total of three questions and they have been included in the agenda of Tuesday's (November 21) meeting of the full council.

He is concerned about council tax, a new swimming pool in Maryport and a proposed new mine in Whitehaven.

He will ask: "Given that the Allerdale area has seen one of the highest council tax hikes in England combined with 18 weeks of bin strikes, will the leader of Cumberland Council confirm that residents will receive a council tax refund to compensate them for this extended period of significant disruption?"

He will also ask: "As portfolio holder for sports and leisure for Allerdale Borough Council I personally campaigned for a new swimming pool in Maryport and I was delighted when the Workington MP Mark Jenkinson helped secure £5.5 million from central government for the project.

"And like many other people from West Cumbria I was disappointed and frustrated by the executive's decision not to proceed with this ambitious fully funded project.

"Will the leader of the council recognise that the interventions of the MP for Workington with the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities were critical in making sure the Government Investment stayed in Maryport, and that this funding would have been lost all together without his support for the revised plans?"

His final question states: "I fully support the proposed new mine in Whitehaven which will create jobs, support renewable energy industry and remove the need to import coking coal from the other side of the world.

"Will the leader of the council confirm his support for this important project and clarify his position?"

Tuesday's (November 21) public meeting is due to start at 1pm and it will be at the Civic Centre in Carlisle.