PLANS have been submitted to Cumberland Council by the MOD to discharge a condition attached to a previously granted planning application.

It is for the MOD site in Longtown, near Carlisle, and the condition relates to pests and gulls measures.

The original application was to build a warehouse unit together with an ancillary office with associated access from an internal estate road, parking, a service yard, landscaping and boundary treatment at the site.

Work on the development began in March this year and details showing measures/design features to deal with pests and gulls on the building needed to be submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority before occupation of the building.

According to the application, the proposal would then be in accordance with the measures submitted and it was imposed to protect the environmental amenities of the area in accordance with the Carlisle District Local Plan 2015-2030.

A covering letter states that planning permission was granted in January and it was granted by Carlisle City Council.

Two plans of the proposed canopies and the matter is currently being considered by council planning officials.