The latest road casualty statistics show that, in 2022, 1,766 people died on UK roads and 1,711 in Britain. 

Brake's, The Road Safety Charity, analysis also found that in the same period, road deaths caused by drivers exceeding the speed limit rose by 20%. 

Brake also carried out a public opinion survey, asking more than 2,000 drivers about their driving habits and attitudes to speed and speed limits.

Ross Moorlock, interim CEO, Brake said: "The speed we choose to drive at can mean the difference between life and death. Our speed dictates whether we can stop in time to avoid a crash, and the force of impact if we can't stop. This Road Safety Week, I urge you to join the conversation and talk about speed."

The survey found that 92% of drivers think that speed limits are essential for the safety of our roads. Despite this, more than a third of those surveyed said they sometimes or often drive faster than the speed limit, and 40% think that driving just a little bit over the speed limit doesn’t matter.