CUMBRIA police officers paid a visit to a primary school to educate children on road safety.

PCSOs visited St Joseph's School in Frizington to explain how to keep themselves safe as a pedestrian when out and about. 

The children learned about the importance of staying safe when out near roads and also the importance of wearing seatbelts when in a vehicle. 

A spokesperson said: "PCSO Hollie has visited St Joseph's school in Frizington and delivered a session on how to keep themselves safe as a pedestrian and the importance of wearing a seatbelt.

"They all got given a little fluorescent star that they could put on their book bags or coats to keep part of them visible when walking in the dark.

"They all said that they had learned something from the session, which is why it is so important that we teach our younger generation how to keep themselves safe on our roads."