A POLICE constable has been commended for his outstanding police work aimed at tackling antisocial behaviour in the Maryport area.

PC Sam Steele's work, which saw antisocial behaviour drastically reduced in a matter of months, received national recognition in the media, resulting in praise from the home secretary for his efforts to help people locally.

PC Steele, a community beat officer in West Cumbria, was put forward for the commendation by inspector Peter Aiston.

Insp Aiston said: "Sam has set a gold standard for what can be achieved in neighbourhood policing through engagement with the community, gaining the trust of local people, business and other stakeholders and taking proactive action which has resulted in tangible results on the streets of Maryport.

"Sam has a no-nonsense approach and a willingness to come up with new initiatives to tackle the problems in the community.

"His actions, which have shone a light on what can be achieved by our Community Beat Officers, have been well-received in Cumbria and beyond and have shown the county and the constabulary in a positive light nationally.

"He is a credit to the Constabulary and deserving of this recognition."