POLICE chief constable Rob Carden presented commendations to officers and staff in recognition of their outstanding contribution to policing the county.

Chief Constable Rob Carden said: “I am immensely proud to be in a position to recognise the outstanding work of our officers and staff.

“Their work is varied – from detectives going above and beyond on behalf of victims to a Community Beat Officer setting a standard for what one officer can achieve for their community – but what they all have in common is an outstanding dedication to their profession and to keeping the public safe.

“Their stories will serve as an inspiration to others as we work towards the Constabulary being recognised as amongst the best in the country.”

Cumbria’s police, fire, and crime commissioner, Peter McCall, said: “Every day our officers and staff go above and beyond to keep the public safe, often placing themselves in harm’s way to do so.

“The Chief Constable Awards celebrate and recognise those officers who exemplify the values that we look for in our Police Service they illustrate the selfless and outstanding dedication Cumbria Constabulary have towards public safety."