The '12 days of Christmas' campaign introduced by Active Cumbria prompts people to consider wellbeing-themed gifts for older adults this festive season.

The initiative focuses on presents that foster strength, skills, stamina, and suppleness to improve the length and quality of older adults' lives.

The campaign forms part of the Live Longer Better in Cumbria programme, supporting older adults and those with chronic health conditions to become more active.

To reduce frailty and other long-term health issues, the proposed presents cover the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of health.

Some of the gift suggestions include an electric toothbrush, an activity tracker, resistance bands, trainers, yoga mat, puzzle or crossword book, mini portable bike, a gratitude journal, gym membership, personal training sessions, and dance classes.

Clare Paling, Active Cumbria Development Officer and Live Longer Better in Cumbria programme lead said: “If we use a search engine to ask ‘What to buy a sixty-five year old for Christmas’ the results are rather predictable – slippers, alcohol, chocolates.

“Our campaign provides ideas to help families and friends give presents which can help the older adults we care about to recondition, rejuvenate and reduce their risk of dementia too.

“Whilst gift giving is nice, particularly at the time of year, one of the biggest gifts we can give is time – time to go for a walk or do an activity together.

“This year we’re encouraging everyone to give gifts that enable the older adults in our lives to Live Longer Better.”

Find the full ’12 days of Christmas’ gift guide at