A NORTH Cumbrian man is facing a three-day crown Court trial over an allegation that he subjected his partner to 'coercive and controlling' behaviour.

Joseph Newburn, 32, formally denied the allegation during a brief appearance  before Carlisle Crown  Court. The charge relates to alleged behaviour between October 1, 2020, and October 6 the following year.

It includes the defendant allegedly:

  • Accusing his partner of having affairs
  • Requiring evidence that she had been with females
  • Limiting the distance she could drive on the motorway
  • Having control of her finances

Prosecutors say that this behaviour had a serious adverse effect on the alleged victim and he knew, or ought to have known this

After brief discussions between defence barrister Andrew Evans, for the defendant, and prosecutor Daniel Bramhall, Judge Michael Fanning set at timetable for trial, which is expected to last three days.

He granted the defendant, of Mount Pleasant Road, Carlisle, conditional bail.

The primary condition is that Newburn must have no contact whatsoever with the alleged victim and nor is he allowed to go within a specified distance of her home. The trial is scheduled to get underway in May of next year.