A SECONDARY school has said that it is 'very proud' after one of its Year 13 students completed a 10-mile charity race. 

William Howard School student Lorna Mattinson took part in the race on Sunday, November 19, and in doing so raised £225 for Macmillan Cancer Support through a JustGiving page.

The race began at the Brampton school and concluded in Carlisle, with Lorna reflecting on the event which she signed up for due to her love for running.

She said: "I have been running for a few years now and enjoy running every weekend despite the weather. I had a goal of running 10K, but after achieving this, I wanted to challenge myself to go further.

"I signed up to the Brampton to Carlisle Race as a goal to work towards which is 16.3km.

"The front yard at William Howard School was filled with runners, mainly those who were part of running groups, which made me nervous as they all seemed very prepared to run this route as fast as they could.

"It was quite an experience as I’ve never taken part in a race before. The route was full of long flats and climbs, which was quite tiring but I’m proud to have completed my goal – not stopping and running it in 1 hour 30 minutes."

Lorna also detailed why she decided to use the race to raise money for Macmillan as well as inspire her fellow William Howard School students to fundraise for charity.

She said: "My initial target was £150, but with much support from my family, friends, and the local community, I have raised up to £225.

"It was an achievement to run this race, but I felt even more fulfilled raising money to help make a difference to the lives of people living with cancer.

"I want other students at WHS to know that they too can start their own fundraising for a charity important to them, whilst doing something they love most."

William Howard School headteacher, Kath Pigdon commenting on Lorna's achievement, said: “WHS are very proud to hear of Lorna’s fantastic personal achievement and also the amount of money Lorna raised for MacMillan Cancer Support in the process. This is sure to inspire our younger students in the future."

You can donate to Lorna's fundraiser HERE