POLICE in North Cumbria are continuing their work to tackle antisocial behaviour. 

They explain that it can have a significant impact on victims and the wider community. 

The police will aim to support victims, offer advice, improve security and take positive action against offenders. 

A spokesperson said: "Today the Brampton Neighbourhood Policing Team have been working closely with Riverside Group Housing, with support from the Carlisle Local Focus Hub, to utilise legislation under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

"Carlisle Magistrates Court granted the application for a Closure Order on a premises that had engaged in disorderly, offensive and criminal behaviour and, the use of the premises had resulted in serious nuisance to members of the public.

"This allows the Police to close a premises which is causing anti-social behaviour for a period of 3 months, with the ability to extend this a further 3 months.

"This means no one is allowed to enter the property unless an exemption is made in the order.

"We will always try and stop the behaviour utilising various, less severe options, but if the behaviour continues, you may lose your home."