WITH Christmas just around the corner we wanted to take a look at how people have celebrated in Cumbria over the years.

It is such a special time for so many of us, especially children and young people for whom the festive period is arguably the best time of the year.

Communities across the country try to make Christmas the best it possibly can be for everyone and Cumbria is no different.

Schools and groups in Carlisle and the wider county have for years hosted an array of different activities to help to make the month of December as exciting as possible.

Many schools host plays for each year group where traditionally pupils will re-enact the nativity story, although nowadays other stories and plays can be used.

Other classes may take part in arts and crafts projects creating Christmas decorations or various other items.

Whilst some may take part in cookery classes and make a whole range of different Christmas related food and snacks.

These photos show what children at schools in Carlisle have done to celebrate Christmas over the years.

We hope that you enjoy this look at these lovely photos and hopefully it will help to bring back some very fond memories for some of you.

We can see two photos of children taking part in a nativity play at St Bede's School, a Christmas puzzle at Belle Vue Primary School and a reception Christmas play at Yewdale Primary School.

Other photos show people taking part in a charity football match which marked 100 years since the Christmas day truce during World War I and the News & Star Christmas concert at The Sands Centre.