Annan Athletic coach Jon Connolly has completed an exhausting challenge for the charity that saved his life.

The goalkeeping coach walked on a treadmill for ten hours to raise money for Back Onside.

Connolly covered 40km in his home gym in Glasgow from 8am to 6pm on Wednesday.

And in the process the member of Peter Murphy's backroom staff at Galabank has raised £2,360.

The money is in aid of the Back Onside mental health charity which came to 42-year-old Connolly's aid during a low point in his life four years ago.

The coach, in a candid interview with the News & Star earlier this year, said he had come very close to taking his own life when he made a desperate call to Back Onside founder Libby Emmerson.

She came to his aid and arranged support for the coach, including a period in a mental health ward followed by a period of counselling.

The charity has worked with a number of football clubs, while Connolly has been working on his mental health since then and has made strides personally and professionally.

He said he wanted to give something back and help Back Onside

"I needed to take myself out my comfort zone and give back to help others," he said.

“I wanted to do something that involved my gym, Everlast gym at Glasgow Fort, as they have played a huge part in my recovery mentally and physically – it’s like my second family in there."

Connolly said he was in "so much pain" at the end of the walk but was glad to have completed it, and thanked everyone who supported him in his charity effort.

To continue sponsoring Jon, visit his JustGiving page HERE

To read Jon's story about his mental health battle and recovery, read our interview HERE

And for more information on Back Onside, click HERE