Maryport Rescue, an independent lifeboat and search and rescue service, has received a £60,000 funding boost after a huge local lottery win.

The charity is a vital community resource, with more than 45 years of operation under its belt and a crew consisting of more than 35 dedicated volunteers.

This additional funding was made possible by players of the People’s Postcode Lottery, with the rescue service located just three miles away from the winning postcode.

The charity offers crucial 24/7 sea and land rescue services to the surrounding area, including swift water flood rescue services, which were added to their repertoire just before the Cockermouth flooding in 2009.

The Maryport Rescue team has been instrumental during emergency situations, such as the Cumbria floods in 2015.

Despite the decline in independent lifeboat organisations across the UK, their services continue to be crucial, with 38 emergency callouts already made this year.

Maintaining the service demands more than £40,000 per year for operational costs alone, with additional expenses for training.

Therefore, funding support from third parties is essential for the charity to continue its lifesaving efforts.

The funding from the Postcode Neighbourhood Trust, raised by players of People's Postcode Lottery, will help to kick-start plans for expansion at Maryport Rescue.

George Farish, Chairman at Maryport Rescue, said: "This couldn’t have come at a better time as we’ve simply ran out of space since expanding our support services and acquiring more equipment and crew.

"We are thrilled to be able to start the ball rolling for our building expansion and this money will contribute to the next chapter of Maryport Rescue. T

"he cost of the new building which will house two vehicles and our D-Class lifeboat is £200,000, so the £60,000 from Postcode Neighbourhood Trust, makes a good dent in the required amount.

“Maryport Rescue is for the community, by the community; everyone knows us, and we are rescuing people we potentially know.

"It’s a way of life and isn’t just a hobby. It is hugely motivating to be recognised.

"Our volunteers range from 18-year-olds to 60-year-olds – some of us have lived our life with Maryport Rescue and even met our partners through it.

"The funding received from Postcode Neighbourhood Trust to help our expansion really means everything to us.”