WORKINGTON MP Mark Jenkinson has called on the Labour party to declare its position on the proposed coalmine in west Cumbria.

Workington MP Mark Jenkinson and Conservative Whitehaven and Workington candidate Andrew Johnson wrote to Labour bosses locally and nationally to ask for clarity on the party's position.

In letters to Keir Starmer and Mark Fryer, the pair wrote to clarify the positions following an appearance on Politics North on Sunday, in which Labour frontbencher Alex Cunningham MP, said the colliery was “not going to happen.”

A Labour Party spokesperson said: "We’re clear the proposed coal mine won’t benefit British steel producers, won’t improve our energy security and won’t provide sustainable jobs.

"Thousands of genuinely sustainable, good jobs can be created in Cumbria in hydrogen, wind, nuclear, and home insulation.

“Labour would deliver with our plan to invest in the British industries of the future and GB Energy, our publicly owned energy company."