A Cumbrian charity is celebrating after a key fundraising week proved to be a huge success.

For the first time ever, The Lake District Calvert Trust took part in the ‘Big Give Christmas Challenge’ week where every donation made was match funded, meaning that when individuals and businesses gave once, their donation had twice the impact. 

The Lake District Calvert Trust aim to enable people with disabilities, together with their families and friends, to achieve their potential through the challenge of outdoor adventure in the countryside.

The team set themselves the target of £32,000 to help fund a specialist outdoor instructor for one year. These instructors are at the heart of delivering the charity’s objective: providing outdoor adventure breaks to people living with even the most profound disabilities.

And they made, and exceeded, that total in just four days. The final sum raised was £33,508 from 254 donations. It was a true team effort, the charity said, with staff, guests, local families and businesses all playing their part.

Highlights included a 24-hour swimathon completed by Calvert Trust staff, volunteers, guests, trustees, family and friends, some of which were in fancy dress.

News and Star: Wallace and Scooby Doo teamed up for the SwimathonWallace and Scooby Doo teamed up for the Swimathon (Image: Supplied)A local family also raised £2,400 after making and giving away 250 Portuguese custard tarts, while 15-year-old Calvert hero Oliver Voysey completed a three-year Iron Man challenge alongside his sister, despite being a wheelchair user. 

Local businesses including Edwin Thompson, Pioneer Foodservices and Air Products all gave incredibly generously.

News and Star: Santas at the swimming poolSantas at the swimming pool (Image: Supplied)

Head of income generation, Helen Archibald commented: “What an incredible debut we’ve had to 'The Big Give Christmas Challenge.' We’re all overwhelmed at the response from our community.

"These vital funds will help us help more guests find out just what they ‘can do’ and I’d like to extend a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to each and every individual and business who supported us. What a brilliant bunch!"

The Calvert team are already planning for 2024’s Big Give week.