A WEST Cumbrian man has been put on the Sex Offender Register for downloading and sharing indecent child images.

At Carlisle Crown Court, Toqeer Khan, 29, from Flimby, pleaded guilty to downloading 28 child abuse images, including 12 which were assessed as Category A, the most serious kind, as well as possessing extreme pornographic images.

He admitted using a WhatsApp group to distribute four indecent images, saying it happened during online 'banter.' 

Prosecutor Gerard Rogerson outlined the facts.

He said that police took possession of the defendant’s mobile phone in May of last year because they were investigating an unrelated matter.

When Khan went to the police station to get back the device, police arrested him.

Their analysis of the phone had uncovered evidence of the illegal images – and showed Khan had “shared” some indecent images that were sent to him with others who were part of a WhatsApp group he was in.

He admitted distributing four images: one that was Category A, two Category B images, and one Category C image. He also admitted downloading 12 Category A images, five assessed as Category B, and 11 Category C images.

When quizzed about his actions in distributing the four illegal images with a WhatsApp group, he said the pictures had made him laugh and he had not realised his actions were inappropriate.

Defence lawyer Jamie Adams said the defendant had been swept along by a wave of people sharing images.

Passing sentence, Judge Michael Fanning said the defendant had completely failed to recognise what he had involved himself in. The judge imposed a two-year community order which includes 120 hours of unpaid work.

He must also complete 20 rehabilitation activity days.

Khan’s name will be on the Sex Offender Register for five years and he was made subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for the same period.

The defendant’s address was given as Station Road, Flimby, though he has previously lived at Miterdale Close, Whitehaven.