A CALL has gone out to relatives, friends and neighbours who can help get homes ready for patients who have been in hospital.

Many patients are in a position where they are medically fit to be discharged but can’t go home because of issues in their home, such as burst pipes. 

Laura Barnes, Transfer of Care Hub lead therapist at North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, said:

“Last winter, we saw a number of hospital discharges delayed because of issues with properties.

“Often when a next of kin, friends or neighbours were going to the properties to do pre-discharge checks, they found issues such as burst pipes and water leaks because the heating had not been on for some time.

“We anticipate that this will continue to be an issue this winter, for patients who have been in hospital over the cold spell.

“We are asking friends and relatives to make sure the home the patient is returning to following a stay in hospital is warm and comfortable with food in the fridge.

“Regular checking of homes will help your loved one get back to their home comforts without an unnecessary delay.”