SHOWING age is just a number, a 68-year-old from Carlisle continues to make international debuts for England playing football. 

John Sander alongside Carlisle United legend John Halpin set up a walking football side around 10 years ago for older men in Carlisle.

"I retired from teaching about 10 years ago and I went to work with John Halpin, who was running the community sports trust at the time. I would've been 58.

"We then set up the walking football, and it went from there really," he said.

Since then after recognition at regional level, he has been drafted up to the national team. 

John has since represented his country at the Euros in Marseille and also scooped the top spot in Wales last weekend during the Winter Nations - when his side never conceded in four 25-minute games. 

News and Star: Walking football England squad ahead of Winter NationsWalking football England squad ahead of Winter Nations (Image: Supplied)

The former captain for Annan Athletic in the 1980s reflecting on his continuing footballing journey said:  "That's the buzz. I had a bad leg break when I was 28. I thought that was it, but I did get back. However, I was never the same at an eleven-a-side level. 

"It's all a bonus, you know when you're given your shirt and sing the national anthem, it really is great," he said. 

John is just returning from his fifth knee operation but looks to hold his place on the pitch. 

Every Tuesday and Friday, a community session is held at Brunton Park, open to everyone over 50.

The sessions, sponsored by Age UK ever since it began, run from 2-3pm weekly. 

John extended the invite to anyone looking to get back into playing the game and keeping fit as well just fancy some socialising.