Gary Lineker, Brian Cox, Sophie Okonedo and Big Zuu are among several high-profile figures who have signed a letter calling for the Government to scrap its Rwanda scheme.

This comes in the week MPs will debate and vote on the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill.

The Government hopes to rush emergency legislation through Parliament declaring Rwanda a safe destination for asylum seekers after the Supreme Court last month ruled against the scheme, the PA News Agency reports.

Signatories to the letter, which was co-ordinated by campaign coalition Together With Refugees, opposing the scheme said they were calling on "political leaders of all parties, to commit to a fair new plan for refugees”.

News and Star: Rishi Sunak's government is attempting to have Rwanda declared as a safe destination for asylum seekersRishi Sunak's government is attempting to have Rwanda declared as a safe destination for asylum seekers (Image: PA)

Discussing the letter Together With Refugees, stated: “Our Government is still trying to banish people fleeing persecution to Rwanda despite the highest court in the land ruling the scheme unlawful.

“Tens of thousands of people are stuck in limbo waiting for their refugee protection to be processed, separated from their families and barred from working.

“These policies aren’t working for refugees and they aren’t working for local communities.

“That’s why we have come together to say we’ve had enough. Enough of the division. Enough of the short-term thinking. Enough of the wasted human potential. And it’s why we now call for something better.”

What did high-profile figures have to say on Rwanda scheme?

Match of the Day presenter and former footballer Gary Lineker has previously been outspoken on the issue of the Government’s attitude to refugees.

News and Star: Gary Lineker was one of the high-profile signatories of the letterGary Lineker was one of the high-profile signatories of the letter (Image: PA)

He said: “We need a new system that reflects the will of the British people who have opened their homes, donated and volunteered in their local communities.

“That’s why I’m backing this new campaign – because fair really can begin here.”

Meanwhile, Succession actor Brian Cox shared: "The UK’s asylum system is in a shambles – not least with the Government’s continued attempts to push through the awful scheme to send people to Rwanda.”

TV chef Big Zuu who is the son of a refugee from Sierra Leone, said: “I know what it’s like to be a child in the asylum system in the UK. Me and my mum had some good support when we were first here, but it wasn’t easy.

News and Star: Big Zuu spoke about his experience being a child in the asylum system in the letterBig Zuu spoke about his experience being a child in the asylum system in the letter (Image: Ian West/PA Wire)

“I know it’s even tougher today, being a refugee in this country now is almost impossible. But it doesn’t have to be like this.

“Being part of this campaign is so important to me and many of the people I grew up with. We experienced the reality and we know politicians can do better.”

Another signatory, former head of the British Army Lord Dannatt, said the “dogged pursuit of the unpopular plan to send people seeking protection to Rwanda is astonishing” and described a “failure to fully support Afghans fleeing the Taliban” as “shameful”.