A TOTAL of 171 new homes could be built on agricultural land in south east Carlisle if the plans are approved.

Gleeson Homes has submitted a planning application for outline planning permission, for a 7.73 hectare site at Carleton Road, to Cumberland Council.

As well as the properties - of which 114 are market properties, 28 are social, affordable or intermediate rent and 29 are affordable home ownership - the application is for associated infrastructure, landscaping and public open space..

According to a planning statement the site is within an area which benefits from good access to all the services and amenities within Carlisle city centre, including schools, shops and employment.

It states: "Carleton is located approximately two miles to the south-east of Carlisle city centre and less than a mile from Junction 42 of the M6 motorway.

"The site is relatively level, comprising an agricultural field with mature hedgerows and trees along its borders.

"The site borders existing development on Carleton Road to the south, Cumwhinton Road to the north, and is near to the large residential development site on Sewell Lane, which is to the west.

"Access to the site will likely be taken from Cumwhinton Road, as detailed on the indicative layout, which in turn connects to Cumwhinton to the east and Carlisle city centre to the west."

According to the report there are no public rights of way within the site and there are no listed buildings, conservation areas or scheduled monument designations affecting the site.

It adds: "The site is located on the opposite of Carleton Road to the Grade II Listed Carleton Farmhouse and barns. The site is located in Flood Zone 1."

The report states that the properties would likely comprise a mix of two, three and four-bedroom semi-detached and detached dwellings.

It adds: "An indicative layout has been prepared with the submission which details the 171 dwellings, roads and open space, and how this can be successfully accommodated on the site.

"The site would likely include a SUDS drainage pond to the southwestern corner of the land, and a large area of open space located centrally within the layout.

"At the proposed number of dwellings, this would represent a suitable use of land in terms of housing density on a site of 7.73 hectares.

"Further indicative plans have also been prepared to detail how the site would fit in with any proposed development of the land to the west adjacent to Sewell Lane, and to the east, towards the lane between Carleton Road and Cumwhinton Road.

"The scheme will also provide 30 per cent affordable housing, in accordance with current council policy."

The developer claims that the proposed housing mix will reflect its aspiration to provide a range of low-cost family homes of different types, sizes and designs.

The report states: "The mix will focus on the delivery of three and four bedroomed homes, providing opportunities for housing buyers to get on the housing market and for others to move up the ladder, is considered to accord with the housing needs outlined in the Council’s Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update (2019)."

The application is currently being considered by planning officers at the council.