ROAD workers on James Street in Carlisle, whose work has involved temporary traffic lights and long queues in every direction, have received praise from an unlikely source - the owner of an adjacent business.

Martyn Reading, who owns Martyn Reading Cars Ltd, a car dealership on Water Street, said the workers have been professional and accommodating, and he thinks others should look at the bigger picture before complaining about the disruption caused.

The ongoing roadworks on Water Street and James Street - realignment of the roundabout, removing traffic islands and construction of a new four-way traffic light junction - are all a part of the council’s broader 'southern gateway' project to create a new entrance to the railway station.

This work also include the demolition of The Pools and the old Staples buildings to create 'George Square', a new plaza outside the railway station which will also draw car parking away from the current main entrance.

“Obviously, we are heavily impacted by the roadworks, but I can appreciate it is for the greater good,” Mr Reading said.

He continued: “The guys across the road have been absolutely fantastic.

“The communication's been great through Story (one of the companies contracted for the overall job), Mike Smith in particular, and the council.

“They've taken on board some of my comments and done something about it which is fantastic.”

He admits the work has caused some unfortunate disruption but added: “I can appreciate it needs done, it's possibly one of the worst roundabout junctions in Carlisle.

“(But) They're a month ahead of schedule, which is great news for us.”

Mr Reading said the workers were accommodating to his requests, and explained: “There was a traffic control box planned to be right outside the premises, so I had grave concern about that.

“A couple of phone calls and a couple of emails between myself and Story, it didn't look likely at first, but miracles can happen. And after speaking with them and the council, they took on board the comments.

“It’s surprising because I'm such a small fish in such a large pond."

News and Star: View of where the Staples building stood, from the car park adjacentView of where the Staples building stood, from the car park adjacent (Image: Ollie Rawlinson)

Of the wider work to the area, Mr Reading, who is Carlisle born and bred, added: “Good things come to those who wait.

“The Pools is an eyesore. It's an ugly building. It was ugly when it was built. I think they're doing the right thing by tearing it down.

“It's a shame that they're tearing down the Matalan building, but again, I can appreciate that that's going to be a necessary evil to do so.

“Carlisle is a very old city, and the architecture, is important. I like that.

News and Star: Demolition site at the old Staples building siteDemolition site at the old Staples building site (Image: Ollie Rawlinson)“I like the local heritage and I like the local architecture, and it's a shame to see iconic buildings fall into a state repair or turn that up.

“The Pools building was a post-war, probably asbestos filled, ugly building, flat roof.

“So, yeah, do away with it.

“Do away with the Matalan and everything. Turn that into a car park, open up the area and show off that magnificent wall, the wall that separates the railway from us.”