A COMMUNITY football club has raised money for the children's ward at West Cumberland Hospital. 

Tubby FC, based at Mirehouse in Whitehaven, raised over £700 for the ward following a charity football game. 

Representatives from the club presented a cheque to staff at the hospital this week. 

The charity match saw Tubby FC play against the international doctors and staff team. 

Tubby FC supports men in West Cumbria who are overweight and are struggling with their mental health to get outside and become active. 

Ian Fleming, the chair of Tubby FC, said: "We organised a game with staff from West Cumberland Hospital at the end of November, we set out to raise funds for the children's ward. 

"We managed to raise £767.92 and presented them with the cheque, all of the staff were over the moon with what we had raised and very appreciative, every little helps. 

"We try to do a lot of fundraising with Tubby FC and over the past twelve months have raised money for the Oracle Cancer Trust as well. 

"We managed to raise over £1200 for them on that occasion.