THE issue of the illegal sale of vapes will be raised at a public meeting next week.

Councillor Tim Pickstone (Longtown, Lib Dems) is due to ask a question at Tuesday's (January 16) meeting of Cumberland Council.

Cllr Pickstone will direct his question to councillor Bob Kelly (Millom, Labour) who is the portfolio holder for Cumberland policy and regulatory services.

He will ask: "Could the portfolio holder for Cumberland policy and regulatory services inform members how many prosecutions for the illegal sale of ‘vapes’ were made in 2023, and what plans the authority has to crack down on illegal sales in 2024?"

In July cllr Kelly gave an update on vapes at that month's meeting of the council and told members that Trading Standards officers working in Workington had found a number of people were found to be selling vape products to children.

At the time he said he was concerned that the illegal sales could later lead to the youngsters moving onto tobacco as a result. He added: “We’ve got to keep an eye out on this.”

Tuesday's council meeting will be at the Civic Centre in Carlisle from 1pm.