A campaign has been launched to help people who have experienced domestic abuse after devastating figures have been revealed.

The campaign, which was launched by Carlisle-based beauty company VL Aesthetics, and is back by Cumbria Constabulary, aims to make sure that beauty and hygiene products are available to those who need them.

It comes after it was revealed that over 15 people a day reported being subject to domestic abuse in Cumbria in the run-up to Christmas, with offences rising by almost seven per cent in the Christmas period, according to Cumbria police.

VL Aesthetics first developed the ‘Regifting Beauty’ scheme in 2019 and officially launched the campaign in January 2020.

It sees people donate their unwanted beauty products and toiletries so they can be given to survivors of domestic abuse.

For the first time, the scheme has this year partnered with Cumbria police, working with officers dealing with domestic abuse.

The donations will be shared between The Freedom Project, which supports victims of domestic abuse, and women’s centres that are supported by Cumbria Constabulary including Carlisle Gateway for Women, Women Out West and Barrow Women’s Community Matters.

Offences involving domestic abuse rose from 506 in November 2023 to 541 in December 2023 – a rise of almost seven per cent during the festive season. These include domestic abuse against men.

Detective Chief Inspector Matt Belshaw has spent the last 18 months working as the force’s lead officer on the issue of violence against women and girls.

He said: “If you’re scared at home, there is always help out there.

“Nobody should ever have to experience such offences and our officers work hard around-the-clock to safeguard those at risk of abuse and to do our best to make sure perpetrators of such abuse face the consequences.

“Tackling these awful crimes and safeguarding vulnerable people is a key priority for us.

“We take all reports seriously and we treat all cases with sensitivity.

“If you are suffering, please get in touch.

“Even if right now you only have questions, I would urge you to contact us.”

The scheme will run from January 15 to February 23 and there will be various donation locations around Carlisle, including Tesco at Rosehill, Morrisons, Body Shop, Sculpture House Hair, Bookends, Abbey Hairdressers, Lakeland, Foxes Cafe, and Luna Amatores.

People can donate any unopened beauty, skincare, or make-up product.

If you have been the victim of domestic abuse, or are concerned for someone who is, you can report this by calling 101.

Always dial 999 in an emergency.

You can get more advice about domestic abuse here: https://www.cumbria.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/daa/domestic-abuse/

You can access support services regardless of whether you have reported a crime to the police.

To access support services independently, contact Victim Support 24/7 on 0808 1689 111 – or go to: cumbria-pcc.gov.uk/victim-service/