A  garden centre near Penrith, The Pot Place, is gearing up to send its sixth medical vehicle convoy to Ukraine.

This convoy represents their ongoing effort to support and provide relief to those impacted in the conflict-ridden country.

The Pot Place has been generating funds for this cause since 2022, and is now preparing to once again personally deliver a fleet of vehicles by driving across European borders. 

Undeterred by the fading headlines, co-owner of the garden centre Paul Thomas, said: "We all saw over New Year that the Russians launched the biggest drone/missile attack since the start of the war hitting all parts of the country.

"Therefore their need for assistance is as great as ever so we’ll continue to fundraise to take ambulances and medical equipment but we also act as a collection point for general aid items if folk want to drop anything in," he said.

The Pot Place is not only calling for monetary donations but also items like winter clothes and bedding, baby products, cleaning and hygiene products, and wheelchairs.

The crisis has hit closer to home for The Pot Place with Kateryna, a Ukrainian staff member, currently in Kharkiv, a city just 30 miles from the Russian border.

"We are now looking for a 4WD vehicle to take with the ambulance as soon as possible.

"Please keep the donations coming as it is only through your kindness that we can continue taking this vital medical aid to Ukraine.

"Local companies can get involved by sponsoring an ambulance (or part of it) and any other fundraising ideas people have, we’d like to hear about them," Paul said. 

To visit The Pot Place's fundraiser, visit https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/the-pot-place-ambulances-for-ukraine?utm_term=DwbzdQG3v