The third Monday in January is sometimes referred to as ‘the most difficult day of the year’ or 'Blue Monday', something which one charity is determined to change. 

Samaritans provides emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

The charity suggests that there’s no such thing as ‘Blue Monday’, as we all have our good days and our bad days, but those aren’t for the calendar to decide.

So it says that it's time to stop this myth about Monday being 'blue' and instead start a conversation over a brew.

Volunteers from Samaritans Carlisle will be at the railway station in the border city throughout Monday, offering advice, a chat and tea bags to anyone who might need it.

Samaritans want to turn the day into a positive.

If you need to speak to a Samaritan, you can call 116 123 for free 24/7.