AN AGEING paedophile who committed more than 500 child sex offences while he was living in Carlisle has been jailed for more than 30 years.

A judge told 78-year-old Stephen Mahoney, who admitted 12 sample charges encompassing multiple child rapes and indecent assaults against four victims, that he was the most prolific sex offender he had ever seen.

Mahoney originally denied wrongdoing but he finally admitted his guilt, pleading guilty to specimen charges that represent a catalogue of crimes over 17 years. 

They included hundreds of indecent assaults and rapes, dating back to the 1970s. He was finally brought to justice today, more than 50 years after his offending began. The defendant will be on the Sex Offender Register for life.

Until his arrest, Mahoney had been living at Glen Road, Wishaw, Glasgow.

Defence lawyer Jeff Smith said that Mahoney knew the 'inevitable outcome' of the offending but the sentencing was delayed so background reports could assess the defendant’s medical needs before he was jailed.

Mr Smith told Judge Michael Fanning that Mahoney - appearing before the court via a video link from Durham Prison - would spend the rest of his life behind bars.

His primary mitigation were his guilty pleas, said the lawyer.

Mahoney was a 24-year-old man when the authorities got their first clue to his sexual deviance: he was given a conditional discharge for indecently assaulting a female.

A year later, he was given three years for manslaughter.

His “catalogue of abuse” – consisting of almost 560 individual offences - was finally uncovered in June 2020, when one of his victims contacted the police. Those crimes, the court heard, included at least:

  • 255 rapes
  • 203 indecent assaults
  • And 100 acts of indecency with a child

The youngest victim was just four or five, the court heard.

Judge Fanning told the defendant: “You are certainly the most prolific sexual offender I have encountered in my 32 years in the law. I will steer clear of hyperbole – but the sheer volume of your offending and the period over which it was committed says it all…

“Yours was not one-off youthful indiscretion, grown out of sexual curiosity of immaturity. You are, or were, a sexually driven deviant serial rapist.”

The judge also referred to the impact statements of victims, whose lives were ruined, lived as they were for decades under the lasting shadow of the abuse.

All his victims feared him.

“You remain a high risk of sexual and violent offending,” the judge told Mahoney. During his appearance before the crown court late last year, the defendant appeared via a video link from his home.

He was wearing his slippers, dressing gown and pyjamas.  At today's hearing, Mahoney claimed not to know what was happening. Judge Fanning imposed a determinate sentence of 31 years and six months but also included a two year extension period.

Cumbria Police offers comprehensive advice for sexual abuse issues on its website page dedicated to Support for Rape and Sexual Abuse page. If necessary, victims can call the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support line on 0808 500 2222.

You can also find out more from The Bridgeway Sexual Abuse Support Service, which can be contacted on 0808 118 6432. The service offers advice and support, regardless of whether victims wish to pursue a possible prosecution.