A Carlisle-based team now made up of nine different nationalities took to Eaglesfield Thistle Football Club for an 'absolutely cracking game' at Raydale Park. 

The clash marked the first game since the merger of players from Hilltop United FC, a team comprised of Carlisle refugees and asylum seekers, and Carlisle's Border City Greens. 

Border City Greens, a club with a focus on providing support around mental health and weight loss,  recently welcomed 14 players from Carlisle's Hilltop side after the team was disbanded when a majority of the players were relocated to different parts of the UK. 

Two of the former Hilltop United players even managed to get themselves on the scoresheet. 

Drew Rothwell, director of Border City Greens, said: "The game was end to end with loads of slick passing moves and both sets of keepers having plenty to do.

"We had three debut goals and I couldn't have been more pleased at how we were welcomed by our hosts.

"Tonight we have a team with nine different nationalities and every single player played their heart out.

"Thanks once again to the passionate support from Eaglesfield as they always bring the noise and thanks to our referee who was trying to let the game flow making the most of the advantage rule which is always great to see.

"We will get another fixture in the diary hopefully in slightly warmer conditions," he said.