Veterinary nurses at Paragon are completing 100 skips a day to raise vital funds for neglected and abandoned animals.

Nurses Karen McDonald, Eve Dennison and Vev McGeoch have teamed up to complete the 100 skips a day challenge throughout January, raising funds for the Oak Tree Animals' Charity in Wetheral.

Ms McDonald said: "We are skipping together to keep each other motivated.

"It can take us anything from two to five minutes depending on how energised we are feeling that day."

Joining them is Vicky Jennings, the fundraising officer at Oak Tree, who is battling Lyme Disease after getting an infected tick bite.

Despite symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, and shortness of breath, Ms Jennings remains determined to complete the challenge: "It’s harder than I thought, but nothing is going to stop me - and I am already feeling so much better."

Commending the nurses' efforts, Lorna de Mello, Fundraising and Communications Manager at Oak Tree said: "We're so excited that the vet nurses at Paragon Vets are taking on the Let's Skip January Challenge and can't wait to see how they get on."

Last year, Oak Tree provided safe haven for more than 4,000 animals, each receiving a health-check by the dedicated staff at Paragon's on-site clinic.

The clinic recently started operating five days a week, offering more bookings to locals.

The organisation supports cats, dogs and horses during their vulnerable times and endeavours to find them nurturing new households.