HUNDREDS of people stepped out for a fundraising walk to remember a young rugby player and a dedicated club stalwart one year after their tragic deaths.

The four-and-a-half mile walk was held in memory of Logan Holgate, 18, a talented Hensingham ARLFC player and Peter Wren, a longtime supporter of the club.

The rugby community was left in shock when Logan passed away suddenly in his sleep at home in Whitehaven on January 11 last year. Peter, 50, died unexpectedly at home on December 18, 2022.

News and Star: Fundraisers walked from Distington ARLFC to Hensingham ARLFC on Saturday Fundraisers walked from Distington ARLFC to Hensingham ARLFC on Saturday (Image: Ben Challis)

Loved-ones walked from Distington ARLFC to Hensingham ARLFC on Saturday with some of the money raised going towards a memorial bench, which was unveiled afterwards at the Hensingham club.

Lisa Powe, Logan’s auntie, said: “It was amazing. There were so many people who came out in memory of Logan and Peter.

“It never fails to amaze me how many people turn up to celebrate Logan’s memory. We’ve done lots of things and each time his friends keep coming. It’s humbling that people give up their time. They always want to support it.

News and Star: Logan's auntie, Lisa Powe, took part in the walkLogan's auntie, Lisa Powe, took part in the walk (Image: Ben Challis)

“Logan was one of those people who was once met, never forgotten. A big thank you to everybody for their donations.”

Simon Mattinson, one of the organisers, said: “It was overwhelming to see so many people there but we also weren’t surprised either. The community spirit around it is absolutely fantastic.

“There were some great fancy dress costumes and the weather was lovely.

News and Star: Ben ChallisBen Challis (Image: Ben Challis)

“We stopped in at the Sunnyhill and the Ribton for a pint. I don’t think either pub expected as many people as there was!

“It was just a fabulous day. We are really pleased with the amount raised from the GoFundMe page and the collections on the day and we’re hoping to hit £2,000 by the end of the month.”

Those who took part enjoyed a celebration at the Hensingham club afterwards with singer Gracie Savage performing for free.

Simon added: “The club was full. Everybody very much talks about them and shares stories.”

News and Star: Enjoying a pint in the Hensingham club after the four-and-a-half mile walkEnjoying a pint in the Hensingham club after the four-and-a-half mile walk (Image: Ben Challis)

The rest of the money raised is being split between the Distington School Parent Teacher Association and Logan and Gary’s Lions Heart Fund, which was set up last year in memory of Logan and his England Lions coach, Gary McMahon.

The fund provides heart screening for the community rugby league game in Cumbria and the north west.

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