AN EIGHT-week jail term has been handed to a 29-year-old Carlisle man who repeatedly stole meat and toys during a string of thefts. 

Deputy District Judge Ann Moran said custody was justified because Ryan Ferguson, of Weardale Road, Carlisle, had a record for similar past offences and he had committed seven offences in a short period. He admitted all seven offences.

They were:

  • Stealing Lego worth £102 from B&M Bargains in Carlisle on November 28.
  • Stealing two boxes of toys worth £30 from the same shop the following day.
  • Stealing two Barbie toys worth £39 from B&M Bargains on December 7.
  • And four counts of theft last year from Aldi on Dalston Road, Carlisle, on December 6, 8, 19, and 20, when he took meat worth £395.

The defendant, who will be released at the half way point in his sentence, was represented by defence lawyer Chris Toms.