POLICE in Cumbria have been helping those affected by the storm. 

Officers have been helping those most vulnerable in communities worst affected by Storm Isha. 

These were people who had been affected by power cuts. Thankfully power had been restored for most but the teams were able to provide details of support available to those still affected.

Policing crews also visited Longtown Auction Mart to offer crime prevention advice to farmers and listen to their concerns.

They were joined by one of the community police officers from Police Scotland, they often work closely with colleagues from bordering forces to tackle cross-border criminals who think that is a way to avoid detection.

They were also joined by Cumbria’s assistant chief constable Stalker and detective sergeant Rees.

Assistant chief constable Dave Stalker said “Today we joined officers from our Neighbourhood Policing Team during their visit to Longtown Auction Mart as part of Neighbourhood Policing Week.

“Neighbourhood Policing also plays a huge part in policing in Cumbria, having visible, community-focused officers means we are able to offer an accessible police presence and gain a greater understanding of the issues which need to be addressed – especially within our more rural locations.

“This visit was an excellent opportunity to engage with our rural communities and reassure them of the forces' continued commitment to target rural crime and make Cumbria a hostile environment for those who think our communities are a soft target."

Whilst at the auction two males were identified to us who were spoken to before they left the area.

A spokesperson added: "During the afternoon we continued with our visits to those affected by the recent storm, stopping to assist a broken down HGV along the way which was in a dangerous position just outside Longtown.

"Thank you to all other road users who reduced their speed when passing to improve safety for everyone."