AN OVER-the-limit driver whose car flipped after he lost control on a country road near Tebay initially claimed he was a passenger.

But after walking across fields to seek help at a local couple's home, 38-year-old Gordon Stewart quickly admitted being the driver of the Audi car that crashed at Raisbeck in the Eden Valley.

The defendant pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

Prosecutor George Shelley told Carlisle's Rickergate court the defendant was caught after the accident on Wailing Gap Lane on December 9 last year, when his black Audi overturned.

He had then trudged over fields to look for help, arriving at the home of a local couple.

“He explained that his friend had been driving,” said Mr Shelley.

“But he then took that back and said he was the driver of the vehicle. The couple were concerned and called the police. The lawyer added: “They said the male stank of alcohol.”

When police arrived, they breathalysed the defendant, who had 73mcg of alcohol in every 100mls of breath. The legal limit for driving is 35mcg.

Stewart, who has never been in trouble before, made full admissions during his police interview, magistrates were told.

Addressing the court, the defendant, from Orton, near Penrith, said he had lost the job he had at the time as a result of his offence. But he had relocated and found another job which meant he can walk to work.

“I need to repair the damage I have done,” he said, explaining that he had written a letter to the court explaining everything. He added: “It was just a stupid decision.”

Magistrates fined the defendant £500 and imposed a £200 surcharge with £85 costs. They also banned Stewart, who was not legally represented, for 20 months but offered the drink driver awareness course.

If completed by a deadline, this will reduce his ban by one quarter.