PATHS surrounding Hammond's Pond in Carlisle now have street lighting, after benefitting from a grant. 

The £146,515.75 allocated to the Upperby Park area comes from part of a £465,000 grant secured by Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Peter McCall. 

The park and its neighbouring area have benefited from improved lighting with hopes of acting as a deterrent to offences and improving feelings of safety.

The funding is also aimed at deterring off-road vehicle anti-social behaviour, youth-related disturbances, and violence against women and girls (VAWG). 

A spokesperson from Friends of Hammonds Pond on social media said: "Thanks to Angela for this photo and the positive feedback at the difference this made to their morning walk!

"All thanks to funding from the Safer Streets fund and the hard work of the lighting team at Cumberland Council.

"Unfortunately funding is not endless and while we appreciate it, it doesn’t cover the whole park.

"We certainly appreciate what has been put in and will advocate for any further funding should it arise in the future." 

The almost half a million pound of funding will be matched by the Commissioner, Cumbria Constabulary, and Cumberland Council using additional funds of £737,522.98 over two years, to help curb anti-social behaviour in three towns in Cumbria.

The Line in Workington has also received £127,671.25 to reduce ASB and VAWG offences in the area. 

In Penrith, the reduction of ASB and anti-social driving (ASD) in the Town Centre will be the focus of the funding, receiving £190,813. 

Speaking on the funding, PFCC Peter McCall, said: “This funding will make a real difference to communities in Cumbria by reducing ASB but also providing a safe environment and security for those who just want to use their local amenities in a safe and respectful way.

“I am committed to working with partners to create a county that is and feels safe for all, which is why this funding mainly focuses on reducing ASB and VAWG offences in hot-spot areas as well as providing preventative initiatives to stop incidents happening in the first place. 

"I would also want those who commit ASB to understand that these measures will also help us to bring them to justice and to deal with them accordingly.

“Together we can make Cumbria an even safer place to live, work and visit.”