A TOTAL of 42 new homes can be built near Carlisle after the proposal was approved.

Citadels Homes had applied for full planning permission for the properties on land north of Hurley Road and east of Little Corby Road, Little Corby.

It was recommended that "authority to issue" approval with the conditions be granted to the council's assistant director of thriving place and investment.

The application was considered by members of Cumberland Council's planning committee at the Civic Centre in Carlisle on Wednesday (January 31).

Stephen Daniel, a principal planning officer at the council, told members that the plan was for 42 bungalows – 21 would have two bedrooms and 21 would be three-bedroom properties – and 12 would be classed as "affordable dwellings".

Councillor Roger Dobson (Corby and Hayton, Lib Dems) raised concerns over the proposed access to the development as the majority of people who were likely to buy the properties would be of "the older end of the age range" and could be wheelchair users.

According to the application access would be via a kissing gate and across what was described as a "muddy field".

Mr Daniel said: "It was deemed that it was acceptable for 45 dwellings."

Councillor Robert Betton (Botcherby, Independent Group) said he had "grave concerns" over safety issues at a nearby road and added: "I've walked it myself and it's dangerous."

He proposed that they reject the application and said that it also encroached on a neighbouring listed building.

Cllr Dobson seconded the proposal and he said: "We shouldn't be approving a housing development of this nature that doesn't have safe access."

However, when the proposal was put to the vote, the majority voted against it and the application was subsequently approved.

Permission was granted subject to the satisfactory resolution of nutrient neutrality and the completion of a satisfactory planning agreement.

It was proposed that the legal agreement would include a number of conditions including:

That 30 per cent - 12 in total - of the properties be classed as affordable;

A financial contribution of £46,852 (£37,020 for provision and £9,832 for maintenance) towards the upgrading of children's play space within Warwick Bridge;

A financial contribution of £15,212 towards the improvement of existing open space within Warwick Bridge;

A financial contribution of £10,319 to support the off-site improvement of existing sports pitches;

A financial contribution of £7500 for a traffic regulation order for a speed limit order, its publication and implementation including all ancillary works (village gateway signage and road markings to be introduced);

The maintenance of the informal open space within the site by the developer;

mitigation to deal with nutrient neutrality.

According to the report the application site covers a total area of 2.57 hectares, consists of two agricultural fields.