Cumbria Police are set to clamp down on offenders after multiple recent issues of rogue school parking and speeding across the county. 

Earlier in the week, officers from Carlisle Police spoke to a number of people outside Inglewood School in relation to complaints from members of the public about dangerous parking and driving in the area of the school at the start and end of the school day.

Similarly, on Thursday February 1st, Copeland Police carried out repeated patrols in Egremont at Orgill and St Bridget's Schools at the close of the school day together with an enforcement officer from Cumberland Council.

Inspector Richard Smillie said: "Last week, we carried out a lot of activity with our colleagues from Cumberland Council's Enforcement team around Schools and other areas to target parking issues as part of Neighbourhood Policing week.

"From our Police and Communities Together Survey (PACT), speaking to schools and the community we identified a number of areas to target. However we are aware this is a wider issue.

"Parking inconsiderately such as on double lines or zigzags causes a safety issue for the children and puts them at serious risk.

"We are asking people to please take consideration about where they are parking at drop off and pick up times."

Cumberland councillor and executive member for sustainable, resilient and connected places, Denise Rollo said: "I'm really pleased to see that Cumberland Council's Enforcement team and Cumbria Police have been working together to ensure that motorists are driving and parking safely outside of schools across Cumberland.

"Parking restrictions and speed limits outside schools are in place to support schools and ensure that children can attend school safely. Parking inconsiderately and speeding in these areas is completely unacceptable and can put people in significant danger. 

"Drivers who are dropping off or collecting their children are reminded not to park where there are restrictions, even if it is only for a few minutes. Please plan your journey and park in a safe place.

"Those found to be waiting, stopping, or parking on restricted areas will be issued with a penalty charge notice."