A lone walker injured his ankle while descending a fell with his dog.

Members from the Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team were called by the police at 5.6pm on February 2 about the walker.

He injured his ankle on the descent of Wind Gap, was unable to walk, and was getting cold.

A spokesperson from WMRT said: “He had been able to report via iPhone satellite emergency call.

“His location was about halfway up towards Wind Gap.

“The team leader made a full callout, with the first vehicle away quickly as members were already in base.

“Happily, shortly after leaving the vehicle at Wasdale Head a single head torch was seen.

“It was confirmed that this was the casualty, and he had managed a slow walk off the fell after all.

“After a quick assessment, the party all made their way back to Wasdale Head and the team stood down.”

The callout lasted two hours and 22 minutes and involved 24 mountain rescuers.