IMPROVEMENTS could be made at Carlisle United's home ground if the proposals get the backing from planners.

Bosses at the club have submitted a planning application to Cumberland Council to remove the existing lighting column and turnstile block.

It is proposed that a new turnstile block be built and existing space behind terracing be converted to provide new toilet facilities and new disabled seating area at Brunton Park Football Ground in Warwick Road.

According to a planning statement, the development would improve supporter facilities by the Warwick Road Stand.

This would increase and upgrade the existing toilet provision and provide what is described as a 'high quality accessible spectator viewing area and associated WC provision' as well as improve all supporter access to the stand and upgrade the catering offering.

The report states: "The existing access to the Warwick Road Stand is via a small turnstile block which leads to a small external yard from which the stand is accessed.

"The space between the stand and the boundary wall accommodates WC and refreshment facilities. The WC provision is male only and consists of an open trough running along the boundary wall in a linear space and is open to the skies.

News and Star: A closer look at the plans to the east of the Warwick Road endA closer look at the plans to the east of the Warwick Road end (Image: Cumberland Council planning portal)

"Refreshments are served from a temporary type of hut within a small open area. There is currently no accessible WC or accessible spectator viewing provision in the stand."

The proposed development comprises the following elements:

  • Demolishing the existing boundary fence and turnstile block and redundant flood light tower;
  • Regrade and extend the external space adjacent to the stand access. This will create a proposed Fan Zone with food and drink facilities and provide level access to the proposed accessible viewing area within the existing stand;
  • Construction of a new accessible viewing area with level access to the Fan Zone;
  • Construction of a new turnstile block and perimeter fence;
  • Construction of a new dedicated male, female and accessible WC facilities to the rear of the existing stand;
  • Construction of a new concessions facility and relocation of the existing Switch Gear enclosure.

The report states: "General access to the ground will be via a new turnstile block to the east of the stand, leading to a regraded and enlarged level Fan Zone area.

"New gates within the new perimeter fence will provide accessible access to the Fane Zone for wheelchair users.

"A new dedicated accessible spectator zone can directly be accessed from here.

"[There will be] two new fully wheelchair accessible WCs will be provided to the rear of the Fan Zone for use by spectators and staff.

"New dedicated male and female WC facilities will be provided to the rear of the stand. This will significantly increase the existing WC provision."

It is proposed that all new lighting will be of an energy efficient LED type in accordance with building regulations.

Measures to reduce the potential impact of flooding on the new facilities include: all proposed structures are to be constructed from painted brick and block walls and concrete floors and the materials are resistant to flooding.

The report adds: "Electrical circuits and fittings will be raised to reduce their susceptibility to flooding. Non-return valves will be fitted to all drainage."