IN this edition of nostalgia, we will be looking back at flowers shows across north Cumbria throughout the years.

Flower shows have been a consistent event in Cumbria throughout the years as we can see in the pictures, and many still occur today.

The Carlisle flower show is one of the most popular flowering events. This annual event showcases a wide range of flowers, plants and gardening products. There are also numerous competitions, demonstrations and talks relating to gardening and plant care.

The Dalston Show is held every August in Dalston village, this show features various exhibits including horticulture, floral art, photography, cooking, and more.

Slightly further afield is the Gretna Flower Show. This annual flower show is held every September and features exhibits in various categories including flowers, vegetables, baking, crafts and photography.

There are other flower shows held in Whitehaven and Keswick each year as well.