A HUNGRY shoplifter with a history of stealing has been left with a £197 court bill - after stealing cheese and wine worth £10.

David Bowles, 46, who has a long history of stealing from shops, admitted the January 25 theft when he appeared at the city’s Rickergate court.

He took the goods from the St Nicholas Gate B&M store on January 25. His criminal record, the court heard, consists of 56 previous offences, 37 of which were thefts.

Bowles was last convicted of shop theft in August of last year.

Kate Hunter, defending, said: “Mr Bowles said he was unable to get foodbank vouchers and was struggling. He made the stupid decision to commit the theft."

Referring to his earlier theft, she said: "In August of last year, he was homeless.

“He was put into a hostel but now he has his own accommodation, which has had a huge impact. He comes to court remorseful.

"There is a slight drink issue but he is taking steps to address that.”

Magistrates fined Bowles, of Eldon Drive, Carlisle, £80, with a £32 surcharge and £85 costs.