CUMBRIA'S Rural Crime Team has been keeping our rural communities safe by reducing and preventing crime, engaging with our rural communities, and recovering stolen property.

Between September 2023 and January 2024, the Rural Crime Team recovered £100,000 worth of stolen property and the county has seen a reduction in plant and machinery theft by 10% in comparison to the same time period in 2022/23.

In 2023, Cumbria saw a 15% reduction in quad bike thefts, a 10% reduction in high-value machinery thefts, and over a 6% reduction in sheep theft compared to 2022.

The team has seized six vehicles for use in crime and searched 18 premises, including six warrants.

They have engaged with their local communities through dedicated Whatsapp groups hosting 978 contacts to share local information.

The team also visits those who have been victims of rural crime to offer crime prevention advice to reduce the risk of being re-victimised – since September 2023, the team has carried out 90 premises visits.

Deputy police, fire, and crime commissioner, Mike Johnson, said: “I’ve been out with the Rural Crime Team on several operations since their launch and I am truly impressed with the team’s dedication to their roles and how they deal with crimes across such a large rural terrain.

“As deputy police, fire, and crime commissioner, part of my role is to listen to the public’s concerns and our rural communities have been requesting dedicated rural officers so I, alongside the Constabulary, placed resources into a Rural Crime Team.

“In the last five months, the Team has achieved a great deal and I’m sure the public will appreciate all their hard work."

Rural crime team sergeant, Amanda McKirdy, added: “As a team, we have already been proactive in targeting those who think Cumbria is a soft target for rural crime, by seizing vehicles, searching properties, and conducting warrants.

“This has seen us work with partner agencies such as the RSPCA and Environment Agency as well as colleagues from surrounding forces targeting those involved in wildlife and rural crime offences.

“As a predominantly rural force, we are determined create a hostile environment for criminals and to safeguard local communities."