A COMMUNITY interest company, created during the Covid lockdown, is beginning to cement its place as the go-to resource for outdoor enthusiasts throughout the county.  

Under the stewardship of founder Laura Earl, The Hiking Household has been drawing in 33,000 users each year to its 300-plus family-friendly walking routes.

Laura, a mother to four children based in Carlisle, left her paediatric intensive nursing post at Newcastle's RVI back in 2020.

During Covid, Laura sought to provide an online source of walking inspiration for locals in some form or another. 

"I’m an active individual, I think you have to be when you have four children in five years!" Laura said. 

"I thrive off a challenge and work best when kept busy, never one to shy away from a new idea, it was this drive that fuelled The Hiking Household.

"The Hiking Household originally set out to be an Instagram page to help local families find doorstep walks during the lockdown – we were all in need of some inspiration."

Three years later, as a registered CIC, The Hiking Household not only provides detailed walks but also collaborates with organisations across Cumbria. 

The CIC has worked with Active Cumbria to create resources that help older adults get more active - a "long way away" from the first Instagram idea. 

Laura’s work hasn’t gone unnoticed, with The Hiking Household being declared the Community Group of the Year at the 2023 Pride of Cumbria Awards.

"I am incredibly proud of the way The Hiking Household has developed over the years, going from a small Instagram page to a reputable company with three directors and a wonderful volunteer, who I would be lost without!" 

Unfortunately however in 2023, Laura was diagnosed with a brain tumour. 

"As a family, we are navigating 2024 the best that we can. The Hiking Household is still very much one of my top priorities and, whilst I’m sure I will slow down post-brain surgery, at the moment I am enjoying where this business is going.

"Ironically, this business of mine promotes being active as a way to manage not only your physical health but also your mental health, and I am currently doing exactly that.

"Walking, being outside in the fresh air and exercising are currently keeping me alive.

"I remain forever optimistic and positive for both my future and the future of my fifth baby, the Hiking Household" she said.  

You can visit The Hiking Household here.