A FINE and ban have been handed to a 67-year-old Carlisle woman after she admitted drink driving on a major city road.

Carole Norris, of Hebden Avenue, committed the offence on January 15, when she was stopped and breathalysed by police officers on Wigton Road, Carlisle. She was driving a BMW Sport car. 

The test confirmed she had 67mcg of alcohol in every 100mls of breath. The legal limit for driving is 35mcg.

After hearing the details, magistrates fined the defendant £259, with £85 costs and a £104 victim surcharge. The imposed a 17-month ban. 

The defendant was offered the drink driver rehabilitation course.

If she completes the course, which she has to pay for, by January 15 next year, her ban will be reduced by 17 weeks.