PLANS have been put forward to build five homes in a village on the outskirts of Carlisle

The application put forward by Scotby Simpson Builders to Cumberland Council seeks to build on vacant land in Scotby, between 36 and 44 Broomfallen Road.

The site is currently used for agricultural purposes. 

The proposal promises high-quality, bespoke dwellings aimed at meeting the local housing demand from the growing residential community.

Two of the homes are earmarked to be facing the roadside, with the remaining nestled in behind. 

An access route off Broomfallen Road is also proposed within the project. 

Supporting statements submitted to the council read: "The principle of development on this site is considered to be acceptable.

"Scotby is a highly sustainable village and this site has proven to be incredibly popular with people looking for a new home.

"The development of the plot would not have a significant impact outside of the immediate development given the landform and existing landscaping. 

"The approval of this proposal will have a positive impact on housing supply within the District - even one unit is an important element at this time, it will also support a local business and workforce through the ongoing economic crisis," it reads. 

The adjacent site to the proposal has been undergoing development as a new residential site for several years.