A MOUNTAIN Rescue team came to the aid of a woman who was injured on Blencathra.

She had fallen whilst travelling along a particularly dangerous part of the mountain and sustained some injuries. 

News and Star: The team conduct the rescue The team conduct the rescue (Image: Keswick MRT)

Both Keswick and Penrith Mountain Rescue Teams came to her aid. 

A spokesperson said: "The team was called by a walker who came across a woman who had fallen 20m down the 'usual gully' on Sharp Edge.

News and Star: The team on Sharp Edge The team on Sharp Edge (Image: Keswick MRT)

"Although suffering multiple injuries she had somehow managed to stop herself from falling much further.

"She was also fortunate to have received excellent first aid from a passing Royal Marine whilst awaiting MRT support.

News and Star: The rescue takes place The rescue takes place (Image: Keswick MRT)

"As it was a complex rescue Penrith MRT and Coastguard helicopter assistance was requested.

"In wet conditions, Sharp Edge is notoriously slippy so a safety line was established to get team members with rescue equipment along the Edge.

News and Star: The helicopter arrives The helicopter arrives (Image: Keswick MRT)

"A twin rope system was then set up to enable the treated and packaged casualty to be lowered down the gully to a doctor from the Penrith team.

"Low cloud meant a stretcher carry was necessary to a point where Coastguard 912 could land and airlift the woman to hospital."