A Brampton secondary school has been thanked for its 'wonderful' toy and game appeal.

William Howard School began asking for donations of 'working toys, games, or unwanted gifts' that were in good working condition in January, with all of these items to be given to the Carlisle-based charity. 

The appeal has been fronted by the school's Eden House and its head Steven Byers commented on why the appeal had been launched.

"I’m so pleased by the amount we’ve received," said Mr Byers, Head of Eden House.

"We are looking at further ways we can support the charity throughout the year, but it will be difficult to beat this success."

The donated toys and games were collected on Wednesday, February 21 by Eden Valley Hospice fundraiser Vicki Lesley, who has extended an invitation to William Howard School students to see how their appeal with benefit the charity.

News and Star: The donated toys and games completely filled the hospice's MiniThe donated toys and games completely filled the hospice's Mini (Image: William Howard School)After collecting the goods in the hospice's Lloyd Carlisle Mini Vicki thanked the students and explained how the donations would be put to use.

She said: "Some of the toys and games will be used directly by the children in the hospice, and the remaining items will go to our charity shops to help raise funds.

"Thank you to everyone involved in the wonderful collection."