A CONSULTATION  will begin on the future of a Brampton care home, after the council have proposed it's closure due to a number of factors making care 'challenging' at the home.

The public consultation on the future of Moot Lodge will run from Monday, February 26 to Thursday, May 23.

The launch of the consultation marks an important step in the review of in-house care provision delivered by Cumberland Care.

The review aims to ensure services meet the needs of the residents now and in the future. It focuses on the provision of sustainable, high-quality care, to help people to live better, healthier, and more independently, whilst addressing the council's financial sustainability goals.

The review includes proposals to close Moot Lodge residential care home in Brampton. The property is affected by factors such as minimal outside space for residents, limited access to the building for people with mobility issues, small communal areas which are split across multiple floors, and a lack of mechanical aids, such as ceiling track hoists, which cannot be installed in many of the rooms.

These issues make the provision of dementia and intermediate care challenging at Moot Lodge. Even with significant investment, the home cannot provide the features desirable for the provision of dementia and intermediate care due to the property’s structure and footprint.

The local community, those receiving care at Moot Lodge, family members, carers, staff, partners, and Trade Unions are being encouraged to have their say on the changes as part of the twelve-week public consultation process.

You can find out more about the public consultation at www.cumberland.gov.uk/haveyoursay.

Anyone wanting to share their views will be able to do so from 9am on Monday 26 February using the online questionnaire.

The online information and questionnaire are also available in a public consultation document that will be shared with local businesses and services in Brampton.

The council will be hosting a public drop in event at Brampton Community Centre on Tuesday, March 5 between 2.30pm and 6.30pm.

Those from the local community are being encouraged to come along to speak with council officers and share their views.

Cllr Lisa Brown, Cumberland Council Executive Member for Adults and Community Health, said: “Cumberland Council is committed to putting health and wellbeing at the heart of everything we do. We are proud to be a listening council, committed to engaging with our communities and valuing their input.

"As we embark on the Cumberland Care Review, we invite all residents to participate in the consultation process and have their voices heard. Together we will deliver services that are not only of the highest quality but also genuinely centred around the needs and strengths of individuals.

“The Cumberland Care Review will ensure there is appropriate provision which is the right size and shape to meet the needs of our residents. We want everyone in Cumberland to live better, healthier, and more independently throughout their lives. The Cumberland Care Review will help us to achieve that vision.

“We will be supporting and encouraging residents, families, carers, staff, general public, partners and Trade Unions to have their say through the public consultation to ensure our proposals meet the needs of our communities.”