Road improvement works will be taking place overnight on the A689 Hallbankgate from next week.

The 10 night project, set to begin on Monday, March 4, and continue through to Friday, March 15, will enhance the durability and quality of the highway.

It will replace ironwork for future maintenance accessibility, renew line markings, and involve a carriageway inlay.

The improvements will take place between the Plane Head Cottage and the Hallbankgate Quarry from 6pm to 6am on weeknights, weather permitting.

Cumberland Council said; "To enable the council to complete works safely, it will be necessary to close the road between Plane Head Cottage and Hallbankgate Quarry, each evening, with a full diversion route being put in place."

Residents and businesses can negotiate access to their properties with the on-site traffic marshal if needed, but should prepare for potential delay.

Emergency services will have uninterrupted access during the works.

The Council thanked the community for their "continued support and patience" and apologised for any incovenience.

For more information, contact Cumberland Council’s Highways Hotline on 0300 373 3736 or visit the Cumberland Council website.